Jack Hudson Drops Catchy New Single “One Way Ticket”

You know those songs that you hear that seem instantly familiar? “One Way Ticket” by Queensland country-rock act Jack Hudson is one of those songs. It was only released this month, but its easy harmonies, big guitars, and punchy drums pay homage to the radio-friendly rock of the early 2000s. I never mind a throwback done well, and this is done really well.

“Have you ever found yourself feeling like you were at the lowest crossroads in life, yet the only direction to travel is up? ‘One Way Ticket’ is a song about exactly that!” Jack explained. “At the apex of 2021, I found myself between relationships, isolated from friends and family and stuck in a permanent rut.”

Music has been one way that Jack’s gotten out of that rut. After spending 10 years as a “gun for hire” sideman and musical director, he’s now focusing on sharing his own original songs with the world.

“This project is about sharing my experiences, thoughts and beliefs as a young man, through songs I birthed on my acoustic guitar. The thrill of the project has been taking my raw tracks to the studio to collaborate in real-time with some of my best friends and favourite players. It felt like the right time and place to make music with the people I have in my circle. Whilst it is early days for this project, I am excited as I know a lot more music is to be written and released. After the events of 2020 and 2021, I just can’t wait to get out on the road and share this project with the world”.

Hopefully that means we’ll see him gigging around the country, and perhaps the planet, next year!

Image used with permission from Rock This Country