Pete Campbell Releases Beautiful New Single, “Silence”

“Silence,” the new single from Eora/Sydney singer-songwriter Pete Campbell was released a few weeks ago now, but unless you’re already a fan you probably wouldn’t know it. It’s one of those gentle folky songs that unfairly doesn’t get airplay, but it’s so beautiful that it really deserves some time in the sun.

Pete’s voice drew me in on the first voice, but I fell even more in love with this track when Ellen Soffe, from Ellen and the Ooroos, joined in. Her voice is purer than Pete’s, and the contrast in those textures is just stunning.

“Silence” comes from Pete’s sophomore EP Parley, which is also worth a listen. I think “Silence” might be my favourite track, but they’re all gorgeous songs bound to appeal to anyone who enjoys artists like Nick Drake and Bob Dylan.

Image used with permission from Chris Familton Publicity