Younger Than Me Delights With “Robomash”

After impressing me a couple of months ago with “Hallucination,” Younger Than Me has charmed me again with “Robomash.” It’s another piece of experimental pop music that is totally enchanting. It’s a real gift to create music that’s out of the box, yet so appealing. When you take risks invariably you’ll fall short from time to time, yet it seems like this Eora/Sydney duo can’t put a foot wrong. It’s so exciting.

Emma Davis said the song was inspired by a time when the duo wasn’t sure their music dreams would get off the ground. “It was a time where Annie [McKinnon] was trying to juggle her interaction design with teaching, music and everything else that comes with life, and I think it just all felt too much,” she explained. “We’ve never wanted this project to feel like a burden so it’s been so important to be honest and try to fit it into life in a way that works.”

Thankfully, all’s well that ends well. After losing themselves in a day of recording, Emma and Annie agreed to stop stressing about the outcome and take things as they came. They shared a bottle of red, or maybe more, and created this track to celebrate their collaboration, friendship, and belief that things always work out in the end.

“It’s the first track where we let go a little and started to trust ourselves more as producers” Annie added. “We stopped being so afraid of trying weird things, so there are lots of wacky synths, and vocal sounds acting as drum beats that somehow find their place. I think it’s a good precursor of what’s to come.”

After they’ve released such beautiful and unique singles, I can’t help wondering what’s next for Younger Than Me. But rather than focusing on the future, I’m going to take a lesson from them and just sit with this gorgeous track for a while.

Image credit: Marcus Coblyn