San Joseph Releases New Pop Single, “This City Sucks”

Inspired by his time living in Los Angeles, Naarm/Melbourne indie-pop act San Joseph has released his latest super-catchy single “This City Sucks.” The lyrics explore the way you can fall out of love with a place when a special someone isn’t there.

“I’d spent some time in California with someone wonderful who returned home to Montreal. She’d always comment on how overrated LA was and I would strongly disagree … until she left,” he admitted. “I realised I only really dug LA because she was there. Suddenly the traffic, chaos and stardom didn’t seem as appealing anymore.”

San Joseph is currently writing music for his debut EP, which should drop later this year.

Image used with permission from Island Records Australia; credit: James Dryden

San Joseph Releases Moving Pop Single, “Everything in the Room”

Melbourne artist San Joseph casts a spell with his new single “Everything in the Room.” It’s only his second release, but the songwriting and vocals are so confident and capable. The month between this release and his debut “Blink Twice” haven’t been ideal thanks to the COVID pandemic, but San Joseph is navigating the conditions in the only way he can.

“I’ve been in lockdown since ‘Blink Twice’ came out,” he admitted, “so music for me has meant spending every day trying to figure out how to master social media in a way that feels like me.”

This song is his way of bringing that experience to life, transforming the contents of his bedroom into his own conscience as he struggles to let someone go.

“It’s been such a volatile state for me, mentally,” he confirmed. “I had the sudden realisation that I’d been writing the same song a million different ways about the same person. It explores a paranoia that inanimate objects were judging me for not having moved on from my ex.”

With lockdowns really testing San Joseph’s ability to connect with fans over his new music, hopefully it’s not too long before we see him playing shows. Keep an eye on his Facebook page for news of that as soon as it comes.

Image used with permission from Island Records Australia