SANNIA Slays With “august”

SANNIA is serving up a serious dose of nostalgia with her latest single “august.” It’s a beautiful track about how first love often lingers no matter how many years pass. If you still think about the one that got away, you’re going to connect with this song.

“‘August’ is the quintessential love letter to your teenage flame. It’s a song about the one that got away; the high school boyfriend that deserved better; the one you thought you’d spend forever with; you never forget your first,” said SANNIA. “I wrote ‘august’ in the middle of that Melbourne lockdown during August itself when I was looking back to better times perhaps with rose tinted glasses on. It’s a windows down, driving down the coast, wind in your hair, jasmine in the air sort of song. As a self-appointed sad girl, it’s been liberating and exciting to write my first ever love song.”

This is the third song released from SANNIA’s forthcoming debut album, James, which I’m anticipating more and more with every single I hear. We’ll get to listen when it drops on November 17.

Image used with permission from Gyro PR

SANNIA Releases Powerful Single “trigger”

SANNIA’s latest single “trigger” is the break-up anthem anyone nursing a broken heart needs right now. It’s an explosive indie-pop song that perfectly expresses the sudden pain an unexpected relationship breakdown can cause.

“This song basically wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. I kept hearing the chorus round in circles in my head like some sort of nursery rhyme that never ended,” SANNIA explained. “I wanted to get the feeling of ‘suddenness’ and a jolt the way that a gunshot cuts through sound because that’s what this break up felt like. I wrote this song as a means of healing and I wasn’t even sure I’d ever release it but I’ve grown to really love it. If anything this song should come with a ‘don’t try this at home kids’ label slapped on it.”

“trigger” is the latest song lifted from SANNIA’s debut album James, which drops in November. She wowed me with “travelling” as well a couple of months ago, so I expect this album will be something special. If you live around Boon Wurrung Country/Mornington, you can get an early sneak peek when SANNIA plays the album in its entirety at Beleura House on October 13.

Image used with permission from GYRO PR

SANNIA Stuns With “travelling”

SANNIA has one of those voices that just cuts through. Her vocal abilities are only matched by her fantastic songwriting skills. She showcases both those talents in her new single “travelling,” a synth-pop song with true depth.

“I wrote travelling before the pandemic when I was essentially disassociating instead of confronting difficult emotions. It’s about feeling like a passenger in a relationship, you’re just tagging along for the ride, without genuine connection or companionship,” SANNIA explained. “The highlight of the whole song is the guitar solo – recorded by my partner Jason. We set the chord progression to loop, gave him a beer or two and let him fly and what came out had all of our jaws on the ground. I absolutely love playing this one live just for that moment.”

SANNIA is currently writing and recording music in South Carolina, but hopefully it won’t be too long before she’s back home playing for us all.

Image used with permission from GYRO PR

Sannia Delivers With Double A-Side Single

What’s better than one incredible new song by Melbourne singer-songwriter Sannia? Two incredible new songs! That’s just what she serves up with her new double A-side single “Daylight + Better.”

I’ve had these songs on high rotation and I honestly can’t split them. Both showcase Sannia’s powerhouse vocals and equally affecting lyrics.

Sannia wrote “Daylight” on the way home from a big night with friends.

“I sort of had this weird semi-inebriated epiphany that I was head over heels for someone close to me, and in that same moment I realised he absolutely didn’t feel the same at all,” she recalled. “Like two ships passing in the night, or maybe a ship and a rowboat in my case.”

“Better” picks up after the dust settles, with Sannia determined to rebuild and move forward.

“I decided to release these two together because I feel like they’re one and the same, not just in terms of their production or both videos being centred around dance and movement, but the two songs were really two different responses to the same situation,” Sannia explained. “’Daylight’ was the initial, really vulnerable call out and ‘Better’ was the more defiant and explosive response.”

Sannia will play two shows to launch the single next month. Catch her at the following venues.

12 September 2019 – Workers Club, Fitzroy (18+)
14 September – Golden Age Cinema, Newtown (ALL AGES FREE)

Sannia Slays With “Go and Get Over”

Melbourne chanteuse Sannia wears her heart on her sleeve with her debut single “Go and Get Over.” I feel this one to my bones. It’s got so much soul, so much raw passion, so much honesty. It’s also so perfectly measured, without vocal acrobatics and unnecessary frills.

“This song developed really organically for me,” recounted Sannia. “I was actually driving home late one night and just sort of started singing the first words that came to mind to keep myself awake … ‘Go And Get Over’ is about literally just that, the cyclical process of moving on from someone while at the same time reminiscing on everything that was and what it’s become now, which I think a lot of people can relate to. You almost go through these sort of seven stages of grief – leaving them, missing them, going back, getting hurt, and trying to exact change – it takes its toll.”

Sannia will celebrate the release of “Go and Get Over” with an intimate show for hometown fans at the Wesley Anne on July 13.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR