“Seas Embrace” – The Dreggs

Tuesdays which feel like Mondays are never fun. But I’m finding it extra difficult to just get on with things this morning. On Saturday morning my parents called and let me know our family dog Charlie had passed away. Charlie had been with us for 18 years. He’d regularly stay at my place for weeks at a time while my parents travelled overseas, most recently last month while my parents were in Greece. He’d visit every Wednesday when my parents would come to the coast for pub trivia. I miss him terribly. I was thankful for the long weekend, which gave me time to cry and veg out on the couch. But today it’s Tuesday, and I have deadlines, and I’m supposed to get back to business as usual. That’s a hard thing.

I’ve been trying to surround myself with positive things. I’ve been crying enough, so I don’t need more triggers. This weekend has been all about rom-coms, and now my morning has been all about The Dreggs’ and their new EP Seas Embrace. As its name suggests, this is an EP full of laidback summery tunes that take us to the beach.

I love the cool laidback reggae vibes of opening track “Thinkin’ Bout Tomorrow.” The follow-up “Blue” has such a sense of nostalgia about it. There’s yearning in this tale of lost love, but it’s imbued with a sense of wistfulness rather than wallowing. “Feel Alive” already impressed me, and it is every bit as endearing here. What a charmer this upbeat foot-stomper is.

After so many relaxed summer anthems, the power of “Simple Question” took me off guard. The simple question, “Are you okay?” is one the recent deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have reminded us needs to be asked more often. It’s one which resonates with me now I’m coming to terms with the loss of my dog. Rather than just paying lip-service to a topic of social importance, this song comes from a place of real sincerity and honesty.

“Ocean and Earth” brings the EP back up. It’s perhaps the recording’s most cheerful song, a jaunty ray of sunshine that is guaranteed to make you smile. “Give Myself to You” continues to bring the good vibes. Just see if you’re not clapping along before the first chorus ends.

Bribie Island’s The Dreggs capture the optimistic spirit of their coastal home beautifully. Their EP is the perfect remedy to the blues. Whether you’re struggling with your own stuff or you’re simply praying for an end to these grey, gloomy winter skies Seas Embrace will make you feel better.

Image used with permission from the A&R Department