Evergreener Rock Out With “Sinking”

If your Friday is feeling more like a Monday, I’ve got you covered with “Sinking,” the latest track from Evergreener. This is an absolute belter of a track, with bold drums, big angsty guitar riffs, and stellar rock vocals. Crank up that volume and just see if you can resist pumping your fists in the air.

“The song ‘Sinking’ takes a darker approach than the previous single ‘Deciduous’ as it describes the feeling of being trapped in a place where you’re living your life through someone else, unable to control your actions and thoughts while feeling paralysed in your own body,” the band explained.

If you love this, Evergreener won’t leave you waiting too long for more new material. Their debut EP After Thoughts drops on November 18.

Image used with permission from Ruckus PR