Listen to Seph Cove’s “Sirens” Song

Melbourne-born, Byron-based singer-songwriter Seph Cove has a new single “Sirens,” and it’s just what you need to ease into your workday. It’s a chilled-out piece of acoustic folk which wraps you up like a big, warm hug. The song’s lyrics, which explore the common trap of looking on to the next thing without appreciating the present, really resonate.

“When I finally thought about my life in the present, what was good was now gone,” he explained.

“Sirens” is the first track lifted from Seph’s forthcoming sophomore EP.

Image used with permission from GYROstream

Ben Abraham Ready for Album Tour

“Speak” was the song that first introduced me to the beautiful music of Ben Abraham, so I’m thrilled to hear it’s got an official release. It seems I’m not the only one in love with this delicate folk track, because Ben says it’s also his favourite song from his debut album Sirens.

“The story of a writer wrestling with his muse felt like a more mature subject matter than some of the earlier work I had done,” he explained. “It’s also the perfect showcase of Jono [Steer] and Leigh [Fisher]’s production. I asked Wally De Backer [Gotye] to help me record the vocals on this particular song because I knew he would help me find the best way to tell the story through my performance. I’m really proud of the work we all did.”

With Sirens now in stores and a brand new single release, it’s the perfect time for Ben to hit the road and take his music to the people. You can catch him at the following venues over the coming weeks.

16 March 2016 – Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth (with Calexico)
17 March 2016 – Grace Emily, Adelaide
20 March 2016 – Howler, Melbourne
2 April 2016 – Junk Bar, Brisbane (matinee @ 3:30 pm; night show @ 7:30 pm)
3 April 2016 – Vanguard, Sydney

Image used with permission from Inertia Music

Ben Abraham’s “Speak” a Sign of Special Things to Come

Melbourne singer-songwriter Ben Abraham has found a new home for his music at Inertia Music. I must admit, I hadn’t heard of his stuff until the good folks there sent me a press release, but the moment I started to watch him performing “Speak” in a Mahogany session, I fell hard.

The Sydney Morning Herald recently declared he’s one of the best new male voices the country’s seen in ages, and I’m not inclined to disagree. But there’s more to Ben than just a voice. He’s a superb songwriter who can deliver a lyric like nobody’s business. There’s truth in the way he sings, and I really responded to that. “Speak” is just one of the tracks we’ll hear on Ben’s album Sirens, which will be released on March 4. The album’s seen him collaborating with everyone from Gossling to Gotye, so it should be something really special.