Sloan Peterson Rocks Out With “Wear My Heart Out”

After experimenting with electro-pop, Brisbane singer-songwriter Sloan Peterson has brought back the guitars for her latest single “Wear My Heart Out.” A collaboration with her best friend and fellow music Pearl, Sloan says the track is a product of her most authentic self.

“I tend to be a lone wolf, spending a lot of time struggling to socialise or even attend events. Music was one of the only communities I had been a part of or known, and so it was a no brainer – I wanted my next single to have my best friend featuring on it, bringing some girl power and community back into my life!” she affirmed. “Pearl and I wrote this song one morning over a cuppa in Rose Bay, after dissecting our most recent experiences in life, and relating them to other stories we had heard from people in lockdown.”

The song comes with a fun clip loosely inspired by the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy, where Star-Lord dances freely to “Come and Get Your Love.”

“We only had a small team of four, including Pearl and myself, so we had freedom to run around the city with no restrictions,” Sloan added. “This was one of the most enjoyable, easy going video clips I’ve been a part of and watched, as it captures the raw, uninhibited dynamic/relationship Pearl and I share together. She’s one of my closest friends so it’s been the best to share this journey with her.”

Welcome back Sloan Peterson! The music scene has missed you!

Image used with permission from Warner Music Australia; credit: Joe Brennan

Sydney’s Sloan Peterson Drops “Nightmare”

Nothing makes you understand your flaws quite like the downtime we’ve had through the pandemic. With my husband working from home since mid-March, we’re discovering just what nightmares we both can be. So “Nightmare,” the latest single from Sydney’s Sloan Peterson, is ticking all the boxes for me. It’s a sugary sounding indie-pop track with a dark undercurrent that’s perfect for these pandemic times.

“The beauty of songwriting is creating a story or poem with emotive concepts; it could be elements of truth, exaggeration or completely fictional” she explained. “‘Nightmare’ is shining a light on the fact that perhaps my expectations in life could come across unrealistic at times, but on the other hand does that really make me a nightmare or just a strong-minded woman who knows what she wants. It’s written in a playful relationship sense but questioning the construct of being deemed bossy or controlling rather than assertive or driven. I think it’s something a few people might relate to, whether it be a personal, social or professional circumstance.”

With a new EP slated for release early next year, we’ll be hearing a lot of Sloan Peterson in the near future.

Image used with permission from Warner Music Australia

FEKI Teams Up With LANKS & Sloan Peterson For “Golden Remedy”

I knew I was going to love FEKI’s latest single “Golden Remedy” before even hearing it. When you collaborate with talented people like LANKS and Sloan Peterson, magic is bound to happen. This track’s shimmery upbeat vibe is just what we all need as the weekend approaches.

“Golden Remedy” has spontaneous energy about it, but it certainly didn’t come together quickly. In fact, it’s been percolating for three years!

“Since the original session in 2017, Feki would come back to me every few months about ‘Golden Remedy,’ and while it always ‘still wasn’t quite right’, each time it edged closer,” LANKS explained. “No one could really sum up why, but when Sloan Peterson and [mixer] Cassian came on board, it really reached its final form.”

Maybe the track was just waiting for the right time to reach the world, as FEKI acknowledged “We are in a really uncertain time right now. I hope this song gives people a bit of hope that we can get through it together.”

The final release of “Golden Remedy” is one of those cases where the waiting was certainly worthwhile!

Sloan Peterson Releases “Rats”

Sydney’s Sloan Peterson has put a spring in my step this Saturday with her defiant new single “Rats,” the second lifted from her self-titled EP. The track somehow has a gritty garage rock feel and a retro charm. I’m not even sure how that all works together, but Sloan pulls it off.

“‘Rats’ was written about low-lifes who wanna make something out of themselves, ratbags and teenagers who are on their own in a big city,” she explained in her press release. “I had a pretty rough couple of years between 13-16 living up in Brisbane, being involved with bad company, never attending school among other horrible situations, and this song speaks to how I was feeling after coming out of such a whirlwind, trying to start all over again in Sydney by myself at only 16.”

The Sloan Peterson EP is available from September 8 via Mirror Records. You can catch her live at Wollongong’s The Last Frost Festival on August 19 and Sounds of the Suburbs in Cronulla on September 3.