"Some Stranger's Ship" – Tim Loydell & the Deckchairs

Lately I’ve been grooving to local blues and roots outfit Tim Loydell & the Deckchairs. It’s an appropriate name for aSome Stranger’s Ship cover band who provide the perfect soundtrack for a mellow weekend.

Their debut EP is called Some Stranger’s Ship, and it’s a superb showcase for this talented Queensland quartet. It all starts with the brilliant “Morning Star,” a hooky modern love song which shows real romance with all its quirks and flaws.

Tim’s husky voice is an ideal fit for the dirty blues rock blend of “Cruisin’,” his sexy rasp sitting perfectly amongst the wailing guitars.

These musicians are first class and it’s never more evident than on “My Oh My,” a driving number which wouldn’t sound out of place on the next John Butler Trio album.

There are just six tracks on Some Stranger’s Ship, but it feels more like an album than an EP. There are no three-second pop songs for these lads. Instead each song has a depth and complexity that ensures you’ll get something new from this release every time you listen to it.

Image source: Keytone.com