Merry Christmas From Sounds of Oz!

It makes me feel old to say it, but every year Christmas seems to roll around a little faster. As a kid I used to count down the days, yet now there never seems to be enough time to buy and wrap presents and make all the food for the big celebration.

I know I’m pretty lucky to be able to head to Newcastle every year to hang out with my family. There’s always plenty of wine, food, and daggy Christmas music, at least until we wrestle Mum’s Peppermint Candy Kids CDs out of the stereo. But many Aussies aren’t so fortunate. Alison Newman, a singer-songwriter from Mount Gambier, touches on what Christmas is like when you’re missing someone with her recently released Christmas song “It’s Not Christmas Without You.” Her voice has a beautiful bluesiness, and honestly something fresh goes down pretty well after a month of the same old Christmas fare.

No matter what you’re doing today, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! May it be filled with good tunes and whatever else makes you smile.

Happy 10th Birthday Sounds of Oz!

Today Sounds of Oz turns 10. That seems like a milestone worth acknowledging. Ten years is longer than many marriages and prison sentences after all. It’s amazing scrolling back through the pages, looking at all the albums I’ve fallen for and the gigs I’ve seen since it all began.

I started this blog all those years ago because I felt there was a real division in Australia between the alternative music press and the commercial outlets. I wanted to carve out a place where great Australian music could be appreciated, regardless of its genre. Sadly I still feel that division. I also feel there’s a bunch of great music that doesn’t get any exposure on through big outlets, something I wasn’t aware of when I began this journey. I’m thrilled I have a platform to bring those superb songs to you.

I’m not going to write anything long and sappy, but I did want to take a moment to thank the promoters and record companies who’ve introduced me to so much great music and hooked me up with countless concert tickets over the years. Your support has been invaluable. Thank you to the musicians themselves for their kind words and for sharing their music with me. But mostly I want to thank you, the readers. Whether you’re been with me for years or you’ve just stopped by, I’m glad you’ve taken time to discover my little corner of the web.

Here’s to the next 10 and beyond!

Image source: Wwarby @ Flickr

Sounds of Oz Ranked One of the Best Music Blogs

While we were on a tech-imposed hiatus Sounds of Oz was named one of the top 100 Music Blogs to follow by CouponAudit. Never heard of it? Me neither. And as it doesn’t seem to have any musical cred, you can take these results with a grain of salt. Still, I can’t recall being named in the top 100 anything before, so I’ll take my number 62 position. It’s a long list so I’ll keep it under the cut, but feel free to browse around. You might even find another cool blog to follow. Just make sure it doesn’t replace this one in your bookmarks, OK?

Continue reading “Sounds of Oz Ranked One of the Best Music Blogs”

I’m Back!

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my former blog Oz Music Scene was shut down. And so I’m starting anew here at Sounds of Oz. It’s a little scary navigating the tech side of things now, but I’m getting there.

While the name might have changed, the philosophy remains the same. I simply want to celebrate the fantastic music of Australia in all its forms. That willingness to embrace all genres and sounds is rare in the blogosphere. Personally I think you’ll find just as many gems on commercial radio as underground internet stations. I hope to keep you updated on the artists that matter to you, and to introduce you to some new favourites along the way.

If you were an Oz Music Scene reader, I’m glad you found me again. Your support means a great deal, and I hope you enjoy my new home here. If you’re a first time reader, I hope you like what you see and visit often. To everyone, settle in and enjoy the ride!

Image source: Loserlady @ stock.xchng

Welcome to Oz Music Scene!

Welcome to Oz Music Scene, part of b5media’s exciting new music channel. My blog will focus on the wonderfully diverse music landscape in Australia. From Augie March to Zombie Ghost Train, we’ve got you covered.

I’ll look at the artists coming out of Australia, as well as any international artists gracing my homeland. This is the place for reviews of new artists, albums, concerts, and some of the best venues, plus plenty of music news.

If you’re an Australian, this blog will help you keep abreast of the local industry. If you’re an international visitor, it will help you broaden your musical horizons. Australians are producing some great music, and the stuff that’s exported is only the tip of the iceberg.

B5Media’s music channel promises to offer some of the most varied and entertaining music blogs online, so be sure to browse some of the other great blogs on offer.

Image source: Mee Lin Woon @ Stock.xchng