Q & A with Stuart MacLeod from Eskimo Joe

It’s been a long time coming, but Eskimo Joe are back. Their new album Inshalla is set to drop on May 29, and they’re travelling around the country in July to support the release. But before all that I caught up with the band’s guitarist Stuart MacLeod to chat about the new CD, the band’s recent success in Europe, and what it’s like to be home.

You’ve just come back from Europe. What’s it like to be home?
It’s amazing to be home. Leaving home definitely makes you realise how amazing we have it back here in Australia. Stepping out onto the streets of Hamburg in the sleet and the snow, and then you come home and you’re sipping a beer out on your back deck as the sun goes down. That’s quite amazing.

What do you miss most when you’re away?
Family I guess. And the weather.

I believe you’ve got two kids. Are you apart from them all the time that you’re away?
Yeah, at this stage we’re still touring quite lean over in Europe so it’s really just drive, and play, and drive, and play every day. So it’s not really conducive to having two really small bubs on the road. So when they get a bit older, they’ll definitely be down for the hard slog.

What was the response like to your music over in Europe?
They were amazing. They were very excited because a lot of them had been travelling through Australia and seen the band maybe once and bought a CD back. So the excitement of seeing us over there definitely came across in the crowd. There was a freshness to the excitement in the crowd, so it was a real buzz.

Your new album Inshalla comes out later this month. I hear it showcases a fresh sound for the band. How so?
I guess because we’d had some new injections of youth into the band in the form of the little babies that I have, and Kav [Temperley] has also had a son, I guess there’s a real fresh lightness to the band, and a new energy to the band. I guess we allowed ourselves to write a bit more positive, hopeful-sounding music. There is a definitely a kind of real hope on this record, and a lot lighter tone on this record.

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