Cherish Live Concert Raises Funds for Young Hospital

Some of Australia’s top entertainers will travel to the country town of Young for a charity show later this month.

Cherish Live will help raise funds for a renal unit at Young Hospital. Currently people requiring kidney dialysis must travel to Canberra three times a week for the treatment, a four-hour return trip which takes its toll on the already sick patients.

Evermore, Thirsty Merc, and Australian Idol graduates Luke Dickens, Roshani Priddis, and Teale Jakubenko will headline the charity show.

This is a really great cause, so I hope anyone who’s even close to Young gets out there and supports it.

Tickets are available online for $80 plus the booking fee.

Teale Jakubenko Leaves Aussie Idol

I called it. After so many nights in the bottom three, the axe fell on Australian Idol contestant Teale Jakubenko. The real surprise of the night though was that he shared his spot in the bottom two with Wes Carr!

Teale’s grown so much through this competition and I hope to see a lot more of him. Wes’ appearance in the bottom three really shows that this race is just too close to call. Bring on the final weeks!

Mark Spano and Teale Jakubenko Join Australian Idol Top 12

I think it goes to show how much I love Australian Idol that as I sat down to watch tonight’s episode, I was already considering how much I was going to miss it over the next few days! We’ve got one half of our top 12 now, with Mark Spano and Teale Jakubenko the latest to head to the finals. They’re really good choices, particularly Mark.

Irae Schwenke was up with Jesse McCartney’s poppy “Beautiful Soul.” Irae’s voice reminds me so much of Guy Sebastian’s. The problem is, it doesn’t have anywhere near the depth. He also doesn’t have Guy’s stage presence. For me everything about this was lightweight.

Kayla Vanzetta did a really credible job of Leonardo’s Bride’s “Even When I’m Sleeping.” She has such a real presence. Her delivery is very genuine; she knows how to emote beyond her 16 years. There were a couple of little pitchy problems, but in the context of the entire song I didn’t care. She’s one these performers with so much potential, I’d really love to see her develop during the competition.

I have a bit of a crush on James Spargo. I was a bit concerned about his song choice of “Chasing Cars.” It’s an awesome song, but it does operate on one level a bit. I felt he did as much to as he could with the material. There was a sincerity there, and I did like how he mixed up the notes a little. I also agree that he needs to watch over-enunciating. It’s nice to hear every word, but modern music needs a little sloppiness.

Brooke Addamo was up next with her amazing version of Jewel’s “Foolish Games.” I was captivated, and consequently I can’t disagree more with Kyle and Dicko. If she was to get up there and sing a vapid little pop song there is no way it would have had this kind of impact. I also think considering ballads are her comfort zone, it would have been foolish to step out and do something else for the sake of mixing it up. We haven’t seen her sing six ballads like the judges. And right now she’s trying to get our votes, not theirs.

Then we had Jonny Taylor with a decidedly different take on “Hound Dog.” Some may disagree with me, but I think this worked. It was brave and memorable, and when things are so competitive that’s what you’ve got to be. I love the deep resonant tones in his voice and think he could continue to surprise us.

Madam Parker closed the night with Alicia Keys’ “No One.” There’s no denying the girl can sing, but she bores me. I felt she was on cruise control here, and I’ve seen it all before. It was well sung, but there was not enough spark to get me to pick up my phone.

And there we have it, all the regular semi-finals with one of the most competitive wild cards we’ve seen to follow on Sunday. I think out of this lot Brooke Addamo and Jonny Taylor have secured their place in the top 12, but it’ll be interesting to see how the votes go.