Eliott Releases Stunning New Single, “Tell Me”

It’s been far too long since we heard new music from Eliott, one of my favourite singer-songwriters in the country. Her latest single “Tell Me” is worth the wait, a vulnerable indie-pop track that somehow manages to feel intimate, yet epic.

“I wrote ‘Tell Me’ when I was 22 years old and really feeling the weight of the world,” Eliott said. “My direction wasn’t clear I was a little lost and unsure of the path I wanted to take.”

Working with her cowriter Andy Hopkins in Forbes Street Studios in Eora/Sydney helped Eliott process her emotions and bring the song together.

“Something for me which has helped heal and understand the motions that I’m going through is songwriting,” she added. “Songwriting for me is the purest form of therapy, I’ll often subconsciously write something which I’ve been internally keeping in for a very long time and it gives me the space to let it out into the world and out of my own head – and with this song, that was the case.”

The gorgeous video was captured in just one take.

“To pull it together in that amount of time was nerve-wracking, but I felt alive,” Eliott said. “There’s no room for error there, no leeway. You can’t have a bad performance. I really had to step into that role. But I think this song tells me to trust myself, so I did and it worked.”

Hopefully this is the first of several songs we hear from Eliott this year.

Image used with permission from Island Records Australia; credit: Jess Brohier

Mia Dyson Gives Away Long Awaited New Music

Mia Dyson made a big impression on the Australian music charts in the last naughties, but seemed to disappear just as quickly. But it turns out she didn’t give up the dream; she just relocated it to the United States.

After three years touring America with big name artists like Stevie Nicks, Dave Stewart, and Chris Isaak, Mia’s reconnecting with her local fans. The independent artist askedmusic lovers to pre-order her new album through the Pledge Music campaign. These donations will then go towards funding the release. She actually raised enough to make the album in just one week, so Mia wants to say thanks for the support.

Which brings me to “Tell Me,” an achingly gorgeous new track that Mia’s giving away to her fans.

“Tell Me is a track I felt would really resonate with fans of my previous albums,” she explained. “It gives a hint of what I’ve been up to in the studio, so I really wanted fans to hear it first, before we get to the craziness of an album campaign later in the year!”

You can hear the song here, and if you like it just sign up to the Mia Dyson mailing list for the free download. Hopefully that will tide you over until the new album, dubbed The Moment, hits stores in August.