Tim Freedman Gets Last Word on "The Chaser"

Tim Freedman’s never struck me as having a great sense of humour. Sure he’s a brilliant songwriter and performer, but after seeing numerous Whitlams shows I’ve always thought he took himself a bit too seriously.

So I was surprised to read how well he took the news that Andrew Hansen lampooned him on last week’s episode of The Chaser’s War on Everything. For those of you who didn’t see it, I’ve attached the video below.

So now we’re all up to speed. This week, Tim detailed his feelings on The Chaser’s efforts on The Whitlam’s site.

“I love The Chaser,” he enthused. “Most of it is usually great. Sometimes there are parts that are a little lame. As I pressed play, I was hoping that the bit on me would fit into the latter category. The piece came on and I must say I really enjoyed it. ‘Who is this guy,? I’d buy his album,’ I thought. Hansen had my rather basic piano style down well, and the vowel sounds and melody were eerily similar to what I hear in my head.”

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