"The Last Party" – The Hampdens

They say every day deserves a soundtrack. If that’s true then I’d pick The Hampdens’ debut album The Last Party for my Sundays. This isn’t your dance til your feet hurt and drink til you puke kind of party. Instead it evokes chilled-out cocktail parties, with some mellow jazz in the background and some good conversation.

It’s one of those sleeper albums, which may not immediately grab you on the first listen. Instead, it wraps around you slowly, and becomes richer with each and every listen.

Susannah Legge’s voice is exquisite, ethereal and warm all at the same time. Her lush vocals sit nestled in the mix of synthesizers and strings, a strange blend but one that somehow works.

“Asleep on the Lawn” and “Croupier” are standouts, but this album is really bigger than its parts. The tracks are sewn together to create something rare and beautiful which begs to be played again and again.

Image source: JB Hi-Fi