The Jezabels Release Stunning Standalone Single “The Others”

The Jezabels are one of those rare bands that never seems to show signs of fatigue. With the release of a new single “The Others,” they’ve left no doubt that they’ve got plenty of creative juices running through their collective veins.

Interestingly, “The Others” is a standalone track. It doesn’t come from an album or an EP. It’s just here for us to enjoy in all its glory.

“We’re revisiting our romantic roots in this new song, though with a newfound directness,” the Jezabels said in a press release. “Lyrically it’s a reflection of the kind of intense loneliness that makes simply being in ones own body feel painful. The unsolvable predicament of ones desire for another crossing over into a desire to lose yourself, where the body is both the blissful point of contact, but also, the thing which keeps you constantly separate. Musically we have tried to sit that on a soundscape that is both euphoric and melancholy, driving but pensive”

The Jezabels have just wrapped up seven sold-out nights at The Lansdowne Hotel. Fans get their next chance to see them at the Wildwood Festival in Port Macquarie on October 1.