Liam Keates-Ryley Makes Impressive Debut With “RUNNIN'”

After making a splash on The Voice Australia in 2022, Liam Keates-Ryley has taken his time to release his debut single “RUNNIN’”. As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. In waiting for inspiration to strike, Liam has made sure that his first release is a fantastic slice of indie-pop.

“‘RUNNIN’’ is the first full song I’ve written since 2019,” he admitted. “Over the past few years, I’d spent so much time playing instruments for other incredibly talented artists that I lost sight of my true passion, which is making music for myself and you! It not only refers to themes about commitment issues within forming relationships, but also commitment issues within life as a whole. Sometimes you just wanna run away from a sticky situation and that’s what this record attempts to encapsulate.”

Liam took inspiration from the period of time after The Voice, when he was a lot more recognisable and unsure whether people appreciated who he was or his new profile.

“There was a period of time in 2022 when meeting new people (whether in relationships or just friends) where I was always wondering, ‘Are these people just hanging out with me cause I was on TV one time or do they actually enjoy my company?’” he recalled. “This song takes inspiration from that and running away from some of those not-so-trustworthy people.”

Liam has previously supported the likes of Pacific Avenue, JUNO, and Lachie Gill. Hopefully it won’t be too long before he announces some more shows on the back of this release.

Image used with permission from Good Intent

Sam Perry Announces Tour & Support Act Competition

They cop a lot of criticism, but I am avid fan of music-based reality shows. They’re one of the few places a nationwide audience can see undiscovered musical talent, and that’s nothing but positive to me. The Voice Australia has perhaps faced the most criticism, a show that enjoys great ratings but has not, as the naysayers remind us, produced a big star. Personally I think “stars” are overrated. Plenty of singers unearthed on The Voice are gigging regularly … but I digress. If The Voice Australia was ever to deliver us a bona fide star, it might be Sam Perry. Simply because he broke the mould and gave us something we’ve never seen on shows of this ilk. In fact, it’s not quite like I’ve seen anywhere else.

Vocal looping in and of itself isn’t new, but the way Sam used it to create soundscapes was incredible. He had raw talent, but I felt like working with Kelly Rowland improved him week after week. It was mentoring at its finest, the kind of thing that happens when these shows are at their best.

Too many reality TV acts fade into obscurity once the cameras stop rolling, but Sam isn’t going to go away quietly. He’s making new music which we’ll no doubt get a taste of when he plays shows around the country later this year.

“My new music is coming together well,” he said. “I have a lot to do and more to learn, but it’s exciting. I also can’t wait to tour Australia and show everyone what I have been working on.”

Sam also wants to pay his good luck forward and use his profile to give another artist a leg up. So he’s launched the Not a DJ support competition. He encourages anyone interested in supporting him on his national tour to send a demo (Soundcloud or private download link), bio, and photo to for the chance to win a place on the bill.

“Starting out as a local artist in a small town, I know all too well how hard it can be to meet the right people, and be heard amongst the already established bands,” he explained. “I’m not great at networking and there is not really a rule book to follow. All I knew, is that I wanted to perform to a room of people, that were there to listen. I can’t wait to hear all your music, and find a local support act to join me in their city on my tour around the country.”

Sam Perry will play the following shows in November and December. Tickets are available from his website. If you go, remember to arrive early enough to cheer on the support act. They might just be the next star of the future.

16 November 2018 – The Toff in Town, Melbourne
17 November 2018 – Dub in the Park, Adelaide
23 November 2018 – The Helm, Sunshine Coast
24 November 2018 – 256 Wickham, Brisbane
30 November 2018 – Civic Underground, Sydney
7 December 2018 – Settlers Tavern, Margaret River
14 December 2018 – Jack Rabbit Slims, Perth
21 December 2018 – Magnums Hotel, Airlie Beach
22 December 2018 – Dalrymple Hotel, Townsville

Image used with permission from Beehive PR