Thomas Keating Strips Back “Lunatic”

They don’t call this time of year the silly season for nothing. The stress of shopping, organising your celebrations, and those mounting COVID cases is enough to make anyone a little loopy, especially when those traditional Christmas carols seem to be on repeat everywhere you go. If you’re feeling a little unhinged, Thomas Keating’s latest track “Lunatic” will make you feel seen. First released with a full band, I’m really warming to his new live and acoustic version. It really brings out those lyrics which explore how difficult it can be to see the world from an opposing point of view.

“This song is about my confusion at the state of the whole world right now,” Thomas shared. “I do have some pretty strong views on different aspects of society and politics, and I view people who don’t share my opinions as a bit mad sometimes. But I have also come to the realisation that they probably think I am mad. So who is the ‘lunatic’ then?”

As this year comes to a close, like so many of us Thomas is looking forward to a bright 2022. He’s got more singles, an album, and shows all in the pipeline, so we should hear plenty more from him in the months to come.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR

Thomas Keating Flies Solo With “Begin Again”

Sydney singer-songwriter Thomas Keating honed his craft with the bands Thieves and Good Counsel. Now we get the chance to hear what he can do solo with the release of his first single, “Begin Again.” It’s a beautiful modern folk-rock track which hints at a promising solo career ahead.

If you like what you hear, there’s plenty more where that came from. Thomas Keating will hit the road this autumn with a full band and a backlog of great new tunes. Catch him at the following shows this March.

23 March 2018 – The Lass O’Gowrie, Newcastle
24 March 2018 – The Factory Marrickville Floor, Sydney
31 March 2018 – The Grace Darling, Melbourne

Image used with permission from This Much Talent