Thyrsday Peels Back the Layers with “Skin”

Thyrsday don’t officially release their debut single “Skin” until Monday, but since their band name is so similar to today’s, and since it’s just so good, I couldn’t resist getting in early.

This is beautiful stuff, with standout vocals and hard-hitting, honest lyrics. I wasn’t surprised to hear the song was written in just minutes after an emotional confrontation. It feels like a real outpouring, although it’s a lot more poetic than most of us could muster under the circumstances!

“In many ways, writing Skin was a breakthrough for me,” explained the songwriter and Thyrsday’s lead vocalist Nikki Malvar. “It was a cathartic experience and it just wrote itself. I think there’s beauty in remaining cryptic about the actual story behind it, but I’ll say as much that I think the sentiment of disappointment and redemption is relatable to a lot of people.”

I certainly connected. How about you?