Tomboi Records Launches to Nurture Underrepresented Artists

Pride Month is the perfect time to celebrate the launch of Tomboi Records, a local record label that aims to be a safe space for women, LGBTQIA+, and POC. The label’s roster features Sounds of Oz favourites Greg Gould and Parker, along with some artists we can’t wait to get to know: Lion, Joan & The Giants, Forces & Fury, and Benedict.

“We are here to start a new safe space in the music industry and shake it up a little! We are the first record label in the world created to be specifically a safe label for Women, LGBTQIAplus and POC in music and beyond and we are so excited to bring incredible artists to light and let them shine the best way we know how,” confirmed the label’s founder Alexis Benedict, an industry veteran with 25 years in music management, production, performance, writing, and recording. “Our hope is that other teams can adopt this approach that we do and see that there is a gap in the industry and it is a must for real change and to genuinely create inclusive elements to the music industry.”

It’s so exciting to see a label like Tomboi Records shaking things up and nurturing artists who are often underrepresented. If you love what they’re doing and want to support the label and its artists, you can get along to the upcoming Tomboi Records Showcases. All six artists will play a showcase at Melbourne’s The Toff in Town on June 30 and Sydney’s The Great Club on July 14.

Images used with permission from Kick Push PR