Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer to Team up for Aussie Tour

If you thought Vanilla Ice’s last minute inclusion on the V Festival bill was weird, hold onto your hats. Things are set to get a whole lot more bizarre with news he’s coming back … with MC Hammer.

“It is not set in stone at this point, but it is happening,” Mr Ice told the Herald Sun while in Melbourne. “We are, in about nine months, going to come through Australia with a big world tour – MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.”

That tour sounds just crazy enough to work. I’ll bring you more news as it comes to hand!

Image source: PR Photos

Madonna Plans Australian Tour

It looks like Madonna might bring her Sticky and Sweet Tour to Australia after all, and it could be sooner than you think.

Speaking on Sunrise this morning, Molly Meldrum confirmed that two promoters are currently fighting over the tour as we speak.

But it’s just a formality. Now that Mads doesn’t have that whiny Brit of a husband begging her to stay at home, she’s keen to get out and see the world! In fact, we could see her on our shores as early as January!

It’s unknown at this stage whether Madonna will bring the entire stage and dramatic production elements out here, but if she does expect to pay for it with some hefty ticket prices. Although with the value of the Aussie dollar down to around 60c, these seats are never going to go cheap!

Considering that Madonna hasn’t toured here since she brought her Girlie Show Down Under in 1993, I know plenty of punters will pay whatever the Queen of Pop is asking!

Image source: Newscom