“Red” – TV Snow

Perth pop-rock act TV Snow have overcome adversity to release their debut album Red.

The album was recorded at a time of great excitement for the band. They were travelling around the country and keen to build on the promise they’d shown on their debut EP. But just a day after recording wrapped, tragedy struck when their bassist Ben Linden was fatally attacked by a shark off Wedge Island.

It’s a harrowing story which makes listening to the album all the more poignant. A lesser band might never have released it, but I’m glad they did. The tracks show us a group that’s so cohesive, with tight vocal harmonies and a true understanding of how their instruments work together.

I’d be lying if I said it was perfect. The songs are fun to listen to, but they’re not really as dynamic as they might have been. Few cut through as the kind of tracks you want to hear again and again. I did love the optimism of “Boy Wonder,” and I appreciate the way the strings make “I Will Dance” come alive. However I’d be hard pressed to recall the melodies of most of the other songs. Rather than being a truly impressive collection of songs, Red is the kind of album you could slip on at your next barbeque without complaints.

It’s not perfect, but Red is a fun listen. It has none of the sadness that defines TV Snow’s career right now, and it’s a fitting celebration of Ben’s contribution to the band.

Red is available digitally now and in stores from January 4.

Image source: TV Snow website