Win Tickets to Melbourne Zoo Earth Hour Acoustic Concert

What are you planning to do this Earth Hour? If board games by candlelight don’t excite you, consider getting down to Melbourne Zoo on March 28. The place will be jumping with entertainment from local blues legend C.W. Stoneking & The Primitive Horn Orchestra, American blues darling Mamie Minch, and Melbourne swamp rockers Dirt River Radio.

In keeping with the eco-friendly ethos this will be an acoustic show with lights out from 8:30 to 9:30. To make it an extra green event, a portion of the proceeds will help to neutralise the concert’s carbon emissions.

This is a BYO concert, so make sure you bring along some cheese and biscuits and bubbles to celebrate! Gates open at 5:30 pm, giving you a little time to see the zoo’s furry residents before the show starts at 7.

I have three double passes to give away to Oz Music Scene readers. To win, just tell me your favourite eco-friendly tip! Make sure you leave your e-mail address with your comment so I can be in touch if you’re a lucky winner. You’ll also need to make sure you can get to Melbourne Zoo on March 28, as travel is the winner’s responsibility. The first three valid entries will each win a double pass. Good luck!

Image used with permission from AmpHead Music