“Until Morning Comes” – Cilla Jane

Suffering from a bad case of Mondayitis, I needed something to ease me back into my working week. I found it in Until Morning Comes, the delightful sophomore effort from Melbourne singer-songwriter Cilla Jane.

The follow-up to her acclaimed debut When the Night Falls is like a fine wine, the sort of music that will appeal to discerning ears and only gets better on each listen. Cilla gets to the heart of the song, refusing to muddy it with too many instruments or too much studio trickery. This is an organic recording, where Cilla Jane’s lyrics and sweet, ethereal vocals are allowed to speak for themselves.

I loved the honesty of her words, the pictures she paints and the universality of her lyrics. I was also impressed by her musicianship. Looking through the CD sleeve I realized she wasn’t just the words and voice behind this recording; she was there strumming away on acoustic and electric guitars, playing the piano and glockenspiel too. This album is clearly her baby, and that commitment to the songs and the recording that houses them shines through. This isn’t about fulfilling record company obligations or selling volumes; it’s about making music that touches the listener.

It’s hard to pick highlights on an album that fits together so cohesively, but a few tracks made my heart beat a little faster. I loved the playful keyboard backbeat and optimistic longing of “Back to Me” and the gentle bluegrass notes of “Pot of Gold.” “Made of Glass” is also just beautiful, with its stunning imagery and genuinely affecting vocals mixed so sweetly with brass tones.

Cilla Jane has created a stunning album in Until Morning Comes, one that goes against the grain with exquisite lyrics, breathtaking vocals, and real heart. She’s currently touring it around the country. You’re in for a special night if you attend the following shows.

21 May 2011 – The Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
4 June 2011 – The Venue @ Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart
11 June 2011 – The Wheatsheaf Hotel, Adelaide
25 June – Bar 303 , Northcote
6 July 2011 – The Vanguard, Sydney
9 July 2011 – The Front, Canberra

Image source: The Dwarf