Discover the Talents of Vivien Aisi

Vivien Aisi may just be the best singer that you’ve never heard of. Born in Papua New Guinea and now living in Gimuy-walubarra Yidi/Cairns, her latest single “Take Me There” is the perfect showcase for her sultry, soulful voice.

“Take Me There is written about my love for music and where I want it to take me,” Vivien explained. “All my hopes and aspirations, in line with my relationship with music, have been a rollercoaster where I have struggled to fit into the industry, juggle a healthy balance of work, family, and at the same time stay true to who I am as a performer/singer/songwriter. I enjoy a variety of genres and don’t really write to suit a particular style. I allow creativity to take me there and produce what is authentic to me at the moment. It was a good break from all the heavy emotional stuff I generally express through my songwriting.”

With talent to spare, no doubt music is going to take Vivien exactly where she wants to go.

“Lost in Time” – Vivien Aisi

I’m not quite sure where I was when Cairns-based soul singer Vivien Aisi released her three singles this year, but I’m glad I’ve caught up with her debut EP Lost in Time. If like me this talent had passed you by, this five-track EP is the perfect introduction.

Vivien Aisi has a voice that can seemingly do anything. It sits beautifully in the fresh laid-back beat of the opening track “Kiss the Stars,” but sounds equally at home on an old-school soul track like “Yesterday.” I can imagine a classic diva like Dionne Warwick or Gladys Knight busting out this soulful ballad. A lesser artist might pale in comparison to these legends, but this was the track that reinforced to me just how good Vivien’s voice is.

As if her talents needed further reinforcing, Vivien turns her hand to jazz with “Nine to Five.” The mellow horns and that honey voice give this track such a cool vibe. So many EPs peter out, but not Lost in Time. It gains emotional traction with its poignant penultimate number “Just Leave.” Vivien’s voice is clear and composed, but there’s an undercurrent of pain in the lyrics there which is so compelling. If you’ve ever put on a brave face when a relationship falls apart, this is your song. The final number “Lost in Time” feels like a sister track to “Just Leave.” There’s a similar sadness to the lyrics, which is balanced beautifully with a funky electronic groove.

Lost in Time is such a solid debut which leaves me wanting more. It took me a little while to discover Vivian Aisi’s music, but I am so glad that I did. If you love what she does, catch her at the following venues.

16 December 2020 – Elixir Music Bar, Cairns
19 December 2020 – MusicView TV Showcase @ AJ Hackett, Cairns
31 December 2020 – White Party NYE @ Noori Beach Bar & Restaurant, Mission Beach

Images used with permission from Footstomp Music