Ellery Cohen Drops Feelgood New Pop Bop, “Waiting”

Like so many people around the world, Melbourne singer-songwriter Ellery Cohen spent most of 2020 locked down. Before the world shut his borders, he enjoyed a trip to Vietnam and made a connection that inspired his poppy new single “Waiting.”

“I wrote this song about a girl I met in Vietnam while travelling, she told me that she had left her boyfriend and her life for a year, leaving her life behind. I thought it was so interesting and I wrote a song about what she would say to her boyfriend,” he explained. “It’s a song about love and complexity of relationship and how life can be sometimes. She asks the question ‘Will you be waiting.'”

Ellery will launch the single at The Workers Club in Melbourne on March 6. Tickets are strictly limited to adhere to COVID regulations, so make sure you get yours fast!

Image used with permission from Arow Agency

Ayla Makes an Impression with “Waiting”

There’s not a lot of fanfare surrounding the release of Queensland chanteuse Ayla’s new single “Waiting”. Her PR company didn’t organise an online premiere, and there aren’t any launch shows. Instead it’s going to be one of those songs that gets out there because of word of mouth, because it’s just that good.

It’s such a powerful song with a Jezabels meets Florence and the Machine kind of vibe. I also love that those searing lyrics match up to the driving drums. It’s staggering to think that Ayla already sounds so seasoned at just 19 years old.

“Waiting” is lifted from Ayla’s new EP, which will be released later this year.

Image used with permission from Mucho Bravado