Dani Teveluwe Drops Cool New Single “Waiting Wasting Time”

As you cruise towards the weekend, take a listen to Dani Teveluwe’s laidback new single “Waiting Wasting Time”. It’s a cool pop number with a jazz influence that reminds me a little of Norah Jones or Corinne Bailey-Rae. While the track has a relaxed feel, the lyrics encourage listeners to quit procrastinating and go out and get whatever it is they’ve been wanting.

“’Waiting Wasting Time’ first came to me when I was walking my gorgeous Golden Huey around Miami. The chorus melody soothed my soul and I loved it from the get-go”, Dani explained. “It’s funny because building the courage to make a change can sometimes take years, but in reality, the moment we decide to change is quite fleeting. Around that time, I had been thinking a lot about the motivation behind change. That moment when change is no longer a choice and when it becomes a necessity. What is that thing that gets us to finally book that overseas trip we’ve always wanted to go on? What makes us overcome the fear of rejection to ask someone out, or perhaps ending a relationship that isn’t right? How do you describe the desire to leave a perfectly stable job to pursue your passion? The more I dwelled on it, the more I realised that I had created my own discontentment in the past by not going for it. By taking the safe option instead of the scarier path, living in my head not my heart. I decided I was done with waiting and wasting time.”

Dani also isn’t wasting any time taking this song to the people. You can catch her playing free at the Beach Hotel in Byron Bay tonight or tomorrow night at Solbar on the Sunshine Coast.

Image used with permission from Dani Teveluwe