Raging Hormones Are Definitely “Worth Your While”

In their press release for their latest single “Worth Your While,” Melbourne five-piece Raging Hormones encourage you to “Check your baggage at the door. Or, drag it in and destroy it altogether.” Either way, the bold energy of this track is all you’re going to need to forget about your problems, at least for a little while. It’s so much fun, so press play and turn that volume right up.

The press release also shares the urban legend that seeing Raging Hormones live “gets you the equivalent of 12 hours sleep, a shot of adrenaline to the heart, a two-week beach holiday, and a giant bear-hug.” I understand the source is a little biased, but until I see them live I’m just going to believe it.

Raging Hormones were all set to take over a Lygon Street shopfront and write and record an EP in front of passers-by this month, but COVID got in the way. Give their Facebook page a follow to find out all about other exciting plans they’re making as they’re announced.

Image used with permission from Little Giant Agency; credit: Nick Manuell