XANI Delivers Dreamy Love Song, “You Make Me Complete”

I’ve had a fairly quiet start to the new year. With COVID cases rising everywhere, especially in my state of NSW, I’ve enjoyed cocooning with my husband and shutting the rest of the world out. During this time of quiet contemplation, I’ve stumbled across “You Make Me Complete,” the latest single from Melbourne violinist and singer-songwriter XANI.

This track is the perfect reflection of my state of being right now. It’s genuinely romantic with a gentle folk-pop sound. It also came about in a really innovative way through creative interactive sessions with fans on Twitch. Her followers were invited to share their feedback and stream-of-consciousness suggestions until the song reached its final form.

Melbourne music fans can see XANI and other exciting female-identifying artists performing at The Park at Burrinja’s Live on the Lawn show at midday on February 28. Tickets are available now through the Burrinja box office.

Image used with permission from This Much Talent; credit: Michelle Grace Hunder